Welcome & Touring ALiVE!

Schools Where Librarians Exhibit Excellence and Cutting Edge Practices

Welcome to the ALiVE! website!

This site is a a place where school administrators, Boards of Education, teachers, parents and yes, librarians can come to investigate what a 21st century school library and learning commons can contribute to teaching and learning across the school and beyond.

Our landing page contains a few introductory videos as the foyer of the great hall, and then ten halls provide specifics as we explore:

As you enter each hall, you can watch a brief video tour of the room.  Next you will encounter actual school librarians who have created video presentations or have been interviewed about cutting edge practices dealing with the topic.  And, finally, you will find Think Boxes that challenge you, your group, and your school to major ideas, practices, research, and challenges.

We encourage you to subscribe to this website on the landing page (we do not share your email with others). You will receive an occasional newsletter and will be notified by our blog about new additions to the site. The site is under continuous revision because libraries and librarians are changing to meet new needs and challenges as they present themselves. Our emphasis is that the professional or credentialed school librarian is the key staff member to make all the ideas happen since the library envisioned here goes far beyond a place where resources are curated and circulated to students and teacher.

This initiative is sponsored by the San Jose State University School of Information, national and international leaders and has been produced by graduate students at SJSU.  Check out the About Us page for names and links.

So, just take a tour or just browse around.  Share what you learn with others and-above all, concentrate with us on ways to provide every young person with a high quality educational opportunity!

Click eBook to View 

Leap into the Future of School Libraries International Conference  eBook

Enjoy all the conference video sessions, descriptions, and speaker biographies at your leisure.  Click the eBook to access conference.

Symposium Recording

Thank you for joining us on April 20th for the From California School Libraries to Innovation Centers Symposium.  For those of you who missed it, please view the recording here or on our California page.